New and Improved De-Gassing Chamber


Pump Warranty Information:

Customers using solvents such as stabilization resins (MinWax™, Gator Venom™ etc.), alcohol and other polar solvents must use the vacuum pumps in conjunction with a cold trap for evacuations in excess of 5 minutes. (Excludes Cactus Juice™)

  • If the consumer is using the pump for prolonged periods of time exceeding 5 minutes we require that a cold trap is used or the pump warranty is void.
  • These stabilization resins have the ability to break down the internal components of the pump that are plastic resulting in a seized motor voiding all warranties.
  • When evacuation exceeds 5 minutes these solvents begin to vaporize and then re-condense in the vacuum pump reservoir. Once enough solvent re-condenses in the pump displacing the oil the plastic internal components may begin to warp, melt or seize. The use of a cold trap will condense the vapors prior to making their way to the vacuum pump preventing pump damage due to excessive use. Furthermore, Minwax Wood Hardener™ is not to be used with any vacuum pumps, EVER. (A seized motor will result from the first use.)
  • To prevent these issues from happening to your process, change the Oil after each vacuum pump use, Even if the use time is only 5min.


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